Your weekly personal roundup of everything 1% Club!
The Web3 space is busy. Read this Newsletter for an easy way to keep up with your favourite community! Vol. 7
Firstly, apologies for the slightly delayed publication this week. I’ve been super busy recently with a bunch of different stuff. Back to a normal schedule now though!
Secondly (and much more importantly), Diana has been writing the Community Job Board and Community Highlights sections of the Community Newsletter every single week for 5 weeks now. The help she’s provided for free to the community has been essential to the success of this Newsletter.
And Diana now has her very own Newsletter coming out!
She will cover topics such as: interesting topics in web3, lessons learned and challenges overcome with content creation, and personal development tips and tricks.
Diana is a core member of the 1% Club and is always helping everyone she can. Make sure to support her by subscribing here:
Onto the Newsletter!
Weekly Roundup of all 1% Club News:
No ‘1% Club: Rewards’ winner to announce for last week! The challenges for last week are being combined with this week so on Thursday there will be two winners!
Reason for this is that NFTGod is on vacation in Mexico. Our faithful leader is eating tacos and drinking cocktails on the beach instead of staring at his computer screen all day. NGMI. It’s time to FUD:
This week we had one Newsletter from NFTGod on Thursday 2nd March. In this edition, he starts with a brief note on the importance of balance, and then dives deep on how to monetise yourself online, with 6 pieces of core advice. Read it here:
And finally, last week we had the continuation of our amazing Club Calls. They’re all recorded if you need to catch up. Here’s what you missed:
Daily Work-with-me Pomodoro Live-streams all day with myself (unrecorded).
Amir’s Club Call on Graphic Design & Creation. As well as a graphics and visual content tutorial, Amir does live reviews of people’s Twitter profiles, giving free advice and tips as he went, and even creating graphics for people for free.
J0ngA’s Accountability Meeting. As usual this meeting was a banger, and helps many people achieve their goals.
NFTGod’s How to Build and Grow a Newsletter Club Call. Tips and tricks from the master himself with the most-read Newsletter in the NFT space.
How to be Successful on YouTube Shorts / TikTok with Ray Alva. Tips and tricks from another master in the space. Ray runs his own Youtube agency so there’s no better person to gain valuable advice from.
And finally we had the weekly entire 1% Club Call on Friday hosted by NFTGod.
Community Spotlight ‘Deep Dive’:
This section is used to deep-dive on one Community Member at a time, to give them the chance to talk about anything and everything they are doing in the Web3 Space.
For this week please give a warm welcome to our sixth guest, Tamara7x!
1. Who is Tamara7x?
I’m just a girl (not yet a woman?) turned Content Experimentoor. Three of my biggest passions in life are human connection, music and innovation. That’s how I wound up exploring and loving the web3 space, and ultimately how I ended up experimenting with different forms of content.
It all started in July 2021. The lead singer of my favorite band, Avenged Sevenfold, mentioned something called NFTs and blockchain and encouraged us to join Discord, so that we could all hang out in a community called The Wicked Craniums. Not knowing what any of this meant, but fully trusting my long-time idol, I did just that.
The community greeted me with so much love and I immediately decided that this is something I need to be a part of. I was blown away by the innovative technology, its infinite potential, and the unheard of opportunity to connect with people who had always been way out of my reach. I had found my home.
Fast forward almost two years and I have now gotten to experience the joy of being part of something so much bigger than myself. A band, alongside two communities of incredibly passionate people, building a new future for the entire music industry. Changing the way artists interact with and reward their fans. Allowing for deep bonds to be formed between creator and supporter. I have seen immense talent in these communities being utilized by the people to whom they look up to so much. I have made lifelong friendships, both with my idols and with fellow music/innovation enjoyers. Who would’ve thought that any of this could be possible?
2. What did you do before Web3?
I have had a bunch of different jobs because I just love experimenting and trying out new things. Currently I am working as a nursing assistant in a medical detox center where we help people go through withdrawal from drugs and alcohol. I feel really passionate about mental health in general, and have some ideas on how I would like to implement that knowledge in the web3 space. We shall see how that unfolds...
3. What are you working on at the moment?
Currently I am fully embracing my self-proclaimed title of Content Experimentoor. Yes, that’s just a silly way of saying that I love trying out different kinds of content creation. I’m having so much fun with this and it feels liberating to just experiment, regardless of what comes of it.
My main focus lately has been video content. Shout-out to @kmoney_69 and @champtgram on Twitter, for being massive reasons why I went down that path. I never thought I would be making videos, but I have noticed that being in a space so full of creative people really awakens parts of me that I had no idea existed.
When I’m not laying in bed, feeling depressed and unmotivated, I’m bursting with ideas for new videos! Even on days where I feel lost career-wise, the memory of this bubbly creative feeling keeps me going. One thing I know for sure is that I want to continue unleashing my creativity, and I’m certain that this will lead to income eventually. I can’t wait to make a living off of something that truly resonates with my soul.
4. What is one thing you wish more people would know?
It would be cool if more people knew that you don’t have to be stuck in a situation (job related or otherwise) where you don’t feel good. I know taking the shot and trying something different can be terrifying beyond words. I really do understand that. But it always leads to immense growth and the most unexpected gifts, in my experience.
5. What is one thing you want to leave people with at the end of this newsletter?
I want people to know that we’re in this together. Spreading kindness and helping each other is always a good thing, and the communities emerging in the web3 space are perfect for doing just that. I firmly believe that humanity evolves as one, and that we have been given an incredible opportunity here to help everyone grow.
I also want to let you, reading this, know that you’re not alone. Please reach out to me if you want someone to talk to. I know what it’s like to feel like the loneliest person in the f*cking Universe and I want you to know that I’m here for you.
Twitter: @Tamara7ex
Discord: @Tamara7x#0808
Much love,
- Written by Tamara7x
Tamara is one of the Community Leaders in the 1% Club, and a core active member. With her sweet and caring aura combined with the occasional dirty joke, Tamara is always spreading good vibes and bringing smiles to people’s faces. As an almost daily attendee of my Work-with-me live-streams, it’s been a pleasure getting to know her and to be able to call her a personal friend.
Community Highlights:
This is for all the content creators out there!
In case you were thinking of starting your own Twitter Space, but didn’t know how to do it, look no more! @Chris the Shreditor is offering his support to anyone that wants to do that!
Feel free to DM him in case you are interested in hosting Twitter Spaces about your own experience on content creation.
Secondly, @Nikola Glagovac is expanding his Growth Partner agency for E-commerce leaders.
He’s looking to add 7-10 new clients.
Here's what his agency does:
• Builds paid Discord community for Creators.
• Builds Email & SMS automation workflows
• Optimizes & strategies content and help creators build High Ticket Product (30 days to 45 days Cohort Program) Price: $2000 min.
• Setups moderators, appointment setters, and closers for creators. Basically he takes care of all the backend work.
He also has a referral programme where you can earn 6% of the revenue on client he closes with.
Here's the agency website if you want to find out more: HypeGenius
And finally, Community Member greenpee$ aka. web3bandit had his first taste of virality after a Thread about Ryan Carson of his reached 445k views. In it, he deep dives the behind-the-scenes of Ryan Carson and exposes his history. Interesting content, combined with top-quality writing is what made this Thread blow up. With under 2’000 followers before posting it, this proves that anyone can write a viral Thread if they try hard enough! Huge congrats to Big Backend Bandit, and you can read the Thread if you’re interested here:

- Written by DianaElena
Accountability Section:
It has been another productive week in the 1% community. A round of applause to everyone who continues to hold themselves accountable each week 👏
The next call is taking place on Tuesday, 7th March at 1 pm EST.
Mark your calendars, update your schedules, it is not something you are going to want to miss.
Weekly accountability is a key factor for successfully reaching our goals. Here are several reasons why:
- Helps maintain focus
- Increases motivation
- Provides feedback
- Creates a sense of responsibility
- Helps with course correction
There were a few new faces last week. Here are the goals that they set for themselves:
@UnfudableDragon - Continues his education into company acquisitions. Reading 140 pages of 'The Way of the Wolf'. Writing 1 thread on the psychology behind meme tokens.
@joeyvowels - Writing 1-2 threads this week, a potential topic being the 'Ledger Market Pass'. Speaking in 5 spaces (Hosting & co-host doesn't count!).
I want to give a special mention to @dianaweb3, @laf131, @AlexanderTC & @VictoriaWeb3 who have held themselves accountable every single week!
If you haven't joined a call yet, it is frankly one of the most insightful and motivating parts of the week. It is always filled with extremely talented individuals who support each other. We share best practices, resources & develop roadmaps for achieving your goals.
"You're going to mess up. So instead of trying to be perfect, learn how to be accountable." - Whitney Goodman
You can go fast alone, but farther together 1% better - Every. Single. Day.
- Written by J0ngA
Twitter Spaces Schedule:
Here is this week’s Community Twitter Spaces Schedule. Join to learn plenty of valuable information whilst also supporting your fellow community members.
If you run a Twitter Space, make sure to tell us in the #Newsletters channel on Discord! It gives you exposure and helps the community stay up-to-date!
- Created by Vinsmoked.eth
Coming up this week in the 1% Club:
As mentioned before, this weeks ‘1% Better: Rewards’ challenge is being combined with last weeks, meaning the topic is still ANYTHING. This includes Threads, Tweets, Newsletters, Memes etc. Anything you wish! Submissions end on Wednesday and the winner is announced on Thursday!
The art chosen for this week’s reward is also yet to be chosen, so keep an eye out in the Discord!
Here’s the list for the upcoming Club Calls this week. These continue to be a huge part of the 1% Club, and are always growing in viewers every week. More will be organised over the next few days so be sure to keep an eye out in the Discord:
I’ll continue hosting the daily Work-with-me Pomodoro Live-streams. Make sure to join and see why so many people find them helpful!
Amirmusich is continuing his new Community Initiative with calls on design, branding and visual creation tomorrow (Tuesday) at 11am EST. With graphics becoming more of a trend on CT, make sure to get ahead of the curve and join!
J0nga’s next Accountability Meeting is also tomorrow at 1pm EST. This continues to be a hit success and something a lot of people are finding very helpful each week. Make sure to join!
LoneWolf is running a Mental Health in web 3 🧠 session on Tuesday straight after the Accountability Meeting at 2pm EST. As a super important topic, make sure you’re there!
As usual the whole 1% squad joins for the weekly Club Call on Friday! Keep an eye out for the time.
As always, thank you for reading. I hope everyone has a happy and productive week. And keep being active in the Discord!
“In the end, when it's over, all that matters is what you've done.”
-- Alexander the Great
Thank you.
Thank You Alex for fantabulous letters! I haven’t been active for weeks though reading Your weekly letters and Your sharing helps a lot!
Damnnn! NFTGod the Beta😱🔥Alexander The Great Creator🙌 Great article as always!